OCRO Training
OCRO Training

Find training resources for SLAC researchers and principal investigators.


OCRO Training

SLAC ID Required

OCRO Training Requirements

For detailed training information and applicability, please view the Chief Research Officer Training presentation

Training Requirements

All SLAC Researchers

The SLAC Policy on the Conduct of Research establishes training requirements for all SLAC researchers. SLAC researchers are any employees who could be listed as authors on SLAC scientific publications in their official capacity. 


Researcher Training

SLAC researchers are required to take the following classes to help ensure the integrity of research performed at the laboratory. First, SLAC researchers are required to review Chapter One of the Stanford Research Policy Handbook on the conduct of research and certify that they have reviewed the material by taking CRO101: Conduct of Research on the SLAC Training Website

In addition, SLAC researchers are required to take CRO102: Conflict of Interest and RPTC01: TARC Process and Form Training. These web-based courses can each be completed in about an hour.

The requirement to complete CRO101, CRO102, and RPTC01 will be included in all researchers’ SLAC Training Assessment (STA) and reviewed as part of the performance appraisal process. All ALDs are required to confirm to the SLAC Director that these requirements have been effectively implemented in their respective directorates as part of the performance appraisal process. 

These courses are mandatory for all SLAC researchers or anyone who could be listed as a SLAC scientific publications author.

Training Requirements

Principal Investigatorship

To ensure the integrity of research performed at the laboratory, SLAC Principal Investigators (PIs) and SLAC researchers must complete additional training to be eligible to submit funding proposals.

PI Training

All Principal Investigators (PIs) must complete all of these training courses. 

No proposals can be submitted until these trainings are completed.

The requirement to complete CRO201, CRO203, CRO204, and CRO205 will be included in all PI’s SLAC Training Assessment (STA) and reviewed as part of the performance appraisal process. All ALD’s are required to confirm to the SLAC Director that these requirements have been effectively implemented in their respective directorates as part of the performance appraisal process. 


The SLAC training requirements for researchers and PIs equally apply to Stanford/SLAC joint faculty, Stanford PI at SLAC appointments, Stanford researchers, graduate students, and post-doctoral candidates researching at SLAC.  

This course is mandatory for all SLAC researchers who intend to apply for outside funding.